Monday, May 26, 2008

Animals and People

The idea for making a blog about animals started with two questions.

Are human beings animals?

This is an easy question and most would answer yes, human beings are animals. However, for those who believe in God and creationism, the answer to this question would undoubtedly be no. Human beings are not animals.

It could be said I suppose that human beings are animals, bit more so. The main difference people would point out is of course, our well developed brain. So I think to my self: are animals not capable of complex thought processes?

Wouldn’t it be interesting if they actually were capable? Just because animals have no technological advancements, it doesn’t mean that they are not capable of understanding difficult concepts. What other mark is there of a thinking being?

Perhaps they just do not have the drive to create technology since they already have all they need to survive. Perhaps dolphins and elephants are just as smart as a human child. Well, we can’t tell, and probably we never will.

Another question that got me thinking is: If you were an animal, what would you be?

Well I certainly won’t be an over-sized cockroach, that’s for sure! But what kind of animal would I want to be? What advantages do animals have over humans? Are there even any?

I made list of my favorite animals that came to mind and I listed down the things they’ve got that humans don’t. And it’s going to appear in one of my later posts.